Get Out of a Mental Rut | Advice I Received from YOU

exercise and mental rut

This week I shared on my IG story and on Twitter about how I’ve been feeling. Tired, a little bit sad, and super unmotivated. I just finished up week 2 of my new placement in a Skilled Nursing Facility. While it’s going a lot better than I anticipated, it has also brought some challenges. The hours are different and longer than my fall placement in the schools, and being around elderly folks all day really makes me miss my grandparents. If you’ve been reading for a while you might remember this post I wrote about my grandfather who passed away suddenly during my sophomore year at Temple, or that my Nana passed away just before I started grad school.

I’ve been overwhelmed with trying to find a job after graduation and with studying for/passing the PRAXIS. I’ve also been stressed about getting my capstone project done and hitting the deadlines my advisor expects me to meet. Coming home from practicum, though, I’ve been so exhausted mentally that I haven’t been able to think or do much else. I asked you all for help last night because it had been day 3 of feeling crappy AF and I hadn’t been able to shake it. Some of you messaged me asking to share the responses and they were all so good and nice and sincere that I decided to compile them all on here for you guys.

What do you do when you have so much to do and no motivation ???

  • “Take a nap! And just do a little bit at a time.”
  • “Seek out people who care about you and spend time with them. It helps.”
  • “Take a break. A break to read or cycle or do something you love then do your best to refocus.”
  • “I do something I like no matter how big or small! Coffee, reading, a quick show, etc.”
  • “Lists! Lame answer but it gives me a tangible way to organize and visualize what I need to do.”
  • “Break the big items on your to do list into smaller tasks so it doesn’t seem as daunting.”
  • “Only focus on one thing at a time instead of worrying about everything else you need to do.”
  • “Figure out if anything on your to do list can wait a few days until you’re feeling better.”
  • “I make sure I’m getting good sleep, stay off of social media for a bit, and talk about it to my hubs.”
  • “Alternate every task with something that makes you feel good.”
  • “Good workout. Know you will feel better after!”
  • “Going somewhere specifically to work and grabbing my fav drink gets me in the right mindset!”
  • “Just remember that it’s temporary! And try to be gentle with yourself (easier said, I know).”
  • “Buy myself flowers.”
  • “Go to Starbucks or something and treat yourself to be productive.”
  • “Spin spin spin!!! And lots of hugs!!!”
  • “Making/having my favorite meal, listening to music, and reading helps me!”
  • “Practice self care to recharge.”
  • “Give myself a day to do nothing (no chores, no errands, no responsibilities, literally NOTHING)”
  • “Turn off my phone and allow myself to TRULY rest.”
  • “Retail therapy!”
  • “Buy your favorite snack!”
  • “Take time to refocus by doing self-care activities! Set short term goals or give myself the night off from doing anything and start fresh the next day.”
  • “Yoga and breathe in peppermint essential oil.”

If you submitted one of these or even just sent me a message to check in, know that your kindness was noticed and so appreciated! It made me feel better to know you all were willing to help by sharing your experiences and advice. Hopefully by compiling this info, I can help some of you readers who may be struggling. If you are, know that you’re not alone! This last semester of grad school has just begun but it’s already kicking my butt.

I ended up going to spin tonight finally after taking a few days off to rest my body and it made me do a complete 180 mentally. I felt so much more energized and happy after spending 45 minutes singing and dancing on the bike. I encourage you all to move your body and talk it out with someone who listens because those things are definitely my go-to solutions from now on. Hopefully this post helps you with whatever you’re going through ♡


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